Invest in a bee bee gun. the sucker won't come back after getting a stinging from that! Squirrel at suet feeder?
If you have access to some tools, I made my own squirrel-proof suet feeder. You simply make a lightly pitched roof, and extremely short vertical ';walls';. Then, get some rust-resistant 1/4'; metal mesh for the bottom ';floor'; Use U-nails to attach on one side, so it can pivot open. On the other side, bend it over so it rises somewhat over one wall. Secure this side with shingle nails inserted into drilled holes slightly larger than the nail diameter. Suspend this by three points on the roof, and suspend this on a cantilevered arm, so the feeder is some 1.5 feet from the railing.
Why does this work? Suet loving birds have no problem eating upside-down, but squirrels really cannot, at least not from something as tippy as this.
you'll have to take down the feeder unless you put a squirrel protector around it. go to a store like home depot or a gardening sorta place. they usually have special feeders that are supposedly ';squirrel'; proof.
Get rid of the feeder. Food is food. Squirrels eat foods similar to birds. Basically they are tree rats
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